Wanted: A Few Good People

Wanted: A few good people to help with this blog. After more than 15 years of running this blog, the demands on my time have grown, my energy is diminishing, and so I am seeking to build an editorial team around the blog to help sustain it. This is totally unpaid labor. I have no income or funding to support this blog. It is a labor of love, but I can’t help but think that what it does is of broad value within the community and worth sustaining. I would love to put together a diverse team from whatever criteria you want to consider: Gender, Sexuality, Race and Ethnicity, Nationality, Institutional Affiliation, and Intellectual Focus. It would be great to have people who reflect the range of recurring themes here – fandom and participatory culture, civic media and the imagination, new media literacies, creative industries, etc. My hope is to work with the team in support of the ongoing publication of the blog for now and gradually shift control over to them over the next several years so that I might eventually play a more diminished role. The kinds of help would be initially largely technical – posting, illustrating, contacting writers – and then increasingly editorial – writing, proposing and coordinating interviews and conversation series, etc. So, if this sounds interesting to you (or if you have students you would want to nominate), please write to me at hjenkins@usc.edu.